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Nothing Wasted

For a second year in a row, the Show will aim for zero waste, with all rubbish generated at Showtime to be recycled, and the waste going to landfill to be minimised.

The Show is again partnering with cleaning and waste contractor Australian Green Clean, using its three-bin system for food organics, dry waste, and 10c recyclable drink containers.

It’s a team effort when it comes to implementing this system, with all exhibitors and caterers onboard, serving food, drink or samples for on-site consumption in Australia-certified, compostable packaging.

Charlie Sykes, the managing director of Australian Green Clean, said the three-bin system “visually worked really well” last year. This included a red bin for general waste, a yellow one for drink containers, and a green bin for organics such as food and compostable packaging.

“Last year’s event produced a total of 204.41 tonnes of waste – excluding manure – of which 91.4 per cent was diverted from landfill,” Charlie said.

“With continued education – and returning patrons, who have experienced the bin systems previously – we are expecting even greater outcomes. We are continuously striving to get the best results and to educate partners, suppliers, and patrons.”

One challenge last year was ensuring Showgoers put compostable food containers in the green bins – not the red ones – along with any leftover food.

“The dry waste [in the red bins] was contaminated with the compostable packaging, with many people emptying their food into the green bin, and then, placing their cups and plates in the red bins. Food and food containers both go in the organics stream,”

Charlie said.

The different streams of waste are collected by various companies. Veolia-ResourceCo oversees the dry waste, which can include everything from coffee

cups to timber offcuts, steel, and plastic.

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